Date and Time
Saturday Feb 17, 2024
7:30 PM - 9:30 PM EST
Saturday, Feb 17/7:30 pm
Lakeside Inn
15251 Lakeshore Rd
Lakeside, MI 49116
$45/person (BYOB)
Contact Information
Katie Paradiso
Send Email

The winter nights are so quiet and peaceful at Lakeside Inn; it’s so soothing to sit and talk by the fire, or play games in the ballroom. But for the February Murder Mystery Dinner, players will investigate the exact opposite of that in Murder at Anonville Manor (a MyMysteryParty.com game):
“The historical Anonville Manor closed for business years ago because of a desperate need for restoration and daft rumors of ghost hauntings. The previous owners abandoned the rundown property, never turning back.
A secretive entrepreneur purchased the old bed & breakfast. The property has undergone renovations, and the owner announced to the media that the manor is free of paranormal activity and has been restored to the pristine caliber of the good ole days when the rich and famous frequented the estate. The proprietor has chosen to remain anonymous, but this decision intrigues the townsfolk. An exclusive group of people have received invitations to the grand opening dinner party in the legendary Majestic Promenade Ballroom of the estate. You are on the guest list. You are intrigued, but apprehensive, as not everybody on the invite list gets along well, and sparks could fly. This is where your story begins.”
A secretive entrepreneur purchased the old bed & breakfast. The property has undergone renovations, and the owner announced to the media that the manor is free of paranormal activity and has been restored to the pristine caliber of the good ole days when the rich and famous frequented the estate. The proprietor has chosen to remain anonymous, but this decision intrigues the townsfolk. An exclusive group of people have received invitations to the grand opening dinner party in the legendary Majestic Promenade Ballroom of the estate. You are on the guest list. You are intrigued, but apprehensive, as not everybody on the invite list gets along well, and sparks could fly. This is where your story begins.”
You can join us for a spooky mystery game and dinner on Saturday, February 17, at 7:30pm. Tickets are $45 per person, including the game and dinner. Characters will be assigned in advance; costumes are encouraged but not required.
Tickets are limited. Please call (269)469-0600 or email events@lakesideinns.com to sign up, or request a place when you book your 2-for-1 hotel reservation.
Tickets are limited. Please call (269)469-0600 or email events@lakesideinns.com to sign up, or request a place when you book your 2-for-1 hotel reservation.