Unlock chair yoga's benefits online through Zoom—improve posture, reduce pain, protect joints, strengthen legs. Boost breathing, focus, and sleep.
Unlock chair yoga's benefits online through Zoom—improve posture, reduce pain, protect joints, strengthen legs. Boost breathing, focus, and sleep.
Harbor Country Chamber To Cut Open House Ribbon At Creative Brush + Bloom DIY Studio For All Ages. 1 pm - 4 pm. Sample DIY art projects. Refreshments. $25 Certificate drawing.
The Region of Three Oaks Museum displays local history and is open to the public every weekend between May and October.
Printed courtesy of www.harborcountry.org/ – Contact the Harbor Country Chamber of Commerce for more information.
15311 Three Oaks Rd, Three Oaks, MI 49128 – (269) 469-5409 – chamber@harborcountry.org